Project Definition

Once the Project Conceptualization has been accepted as the basis of the work to be performed, a more detailed definition can be prepared (Commonly referred to as the “Black Book” or “Preliminary Design Memorandum”). This stage details the project to a point so that an estimate of both capital and operating costs can be generated.

The steps and work produced at this stage include:

Process Selection

Normally there are several ways to accomplish this particular task. However, too often early decisions can relegate a project to higher than necessary capital or operating costs. We seek to evaluate all known potential solutions and establish the true cost of using each. That methodology assures the most effective process is used. Another area of study at this stage is the facility emissions requirements and any anticipated environmental permitting issues. Even the most economical project can be derailed if the environmental costs or acceptability become too high.

Equipment Sizing

After process selection, the major components of the project are sized and a tentative equipment list made along with any special materials of construction required. There is a preliminary equipment layout completed showing any required maintenance areas.

Site Selection

The site selection phase can be a relatively simple task if the project is an expansion of an existing facility

  • Battery Limit Definition
  • Project Execution Plan
  • Detailed Scope of Work
  • Life Safety Analysis
  • Permit Determination
  • Zoning Determination
  • Initial Budgetary Estimate (+/- 25% Accuracy)

It should be noted that once this effort has been done, the design basis should not need to be changed unless either the schedule or funds do not correspond with the Owner’s ability to build the project. Both the size and type of equipment will be established.

Contact Information

Effective Project
11900 College Blvd
Suite 201
Overland Park, KS 66210 USA
Work (913) 248.1553
Fax (913) 338-3266

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